Vega’s Maintenance Package
What’s special about our maintenance and support package? Some hydraulic Companies foster a great staff of professionals with years of experience mainly or solely inside their Head Quarters. Everybody seems very confident they can solve all their customers’ worries and stress. But what happens when problems arise far away from home?
Vega has developed a series of tools readily available to support their customers both close and far away.…
Quick Supply of Spare Parts anywhere
Vega can supply all spare parts to every corner of the planet literally overnight. Keeping a big supply of spare parts in their warehouses and using only accredited curriers to ship all around the world allow Vega to deliver just-in-time parts to all customers in need.
Maintenance Videos

Once you receive your part from Vega, you need to know how to repair your cylinder. Vega has published an app available for iOS and Android that contains all the necessary instruction videos to guide you through the maintenance with a smile. This app and the videos are available in different languages and are available anytime and anywhere (including mainland China).
Tool Bag

Sometimes a screwdriver and nipper are just not enough. Vega has also manufactured a service bag with all necessary tools to help you maintain your cylinder without damaging any parts. The use of these tools can really reduce your downtime.
Available Information Online
Vega has also added special features in the application for phones and tablets to quickly and correctly find the needed spare parts and also report your claim without missing any relevant information.
Furthermore, a blog is available online with case studies and technical articles to give you more insight.